Alan Huang and Max Liu
Max: My name is Maxwell Liu. I recently graduated from The Dorris-Eaton School and am going to Monte-Vista High School this coming year. Youth Health Focus has given an opportunity for me to help those who are less fortunate than I am.
Alan: "We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools." Martin Lu
Max: My name is Maxwell Liu. I recently graduated from The Dorris-Eaton School and am going to Monte-Vista High School this coming year. Youth Health Focus has given an opportunity for me to help those who are less fortunate than I am.
Alan: "We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools." Martin Luther King Jr. If everyone in a community lives isolated lives by themselves, the community would soon fall apart. This is why I want to spread knowledge about youth health such as becoming CPR certified or vaccinated. Last year, I participated in a non-profit group to help support cancer patients and cancer research, fund raising over five hundred dollars.
Max: My goals for this non-profit is mainly raising awareness for the people not only in Kenya living without formal and prescribed medicine. I believe that we shouldn't just provide medicine to these countries, but to teach them how to do it themselves. I hope one day, we'll be able to expand and cover all of Africa and even other thir
Max: My goals for this non-profit is mainly raising awareness for the people not only in Kenya living without formal and prescribed medicine. I believe that we shouldn't just provide medicine to these countries, but to teach them how to do it themselves. I hope one day, we'll be able to expand and cover all of Africa and even other third world countries.
Alan: My goal is to spread awareness to keep our generation and the generations to come healthy because we cannot fix bigger problems like global warming and pollution if we do not fix our own problems first.
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