We are a nonprofit organization aimed to provide reliable and accurate information and education about prominent health issues that face the youth in our local and global communities.
By focusing on Social Outreach, Accesible Education, and Promotion of Actionable Initiatives, we hope to engage youths and allow them to make informed decisions in their lives and take action to improve the welfare of their own health as well as that of their peers in the school, neighborhood and beyond.
We hope to make our community and the world a healthier and happier place for children and youth. With the help of our tireless staff, we organize fundraisers, community and school outreach events, in-depth education and training sessions for our volunteers and youth audience.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for participants to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to support us that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for informational videos of current health awareness and issues
Your generous gift will help us fund our mission to better health of our youth in the community and beyond. Together, we can make a difference. Your donation is tax-deductible as we are a 501(c) organization (Tax ID#82-1556332).
Copyright © 2024 Youth Health Focus - All Rights Reserved.